What is Included in a Routine AC Maintenance Checkup? A Comprehensive Guide

Safety is always the top priority when it comes to air conditioners. That's why Service Champions recommends a routine maintenance checkup for your air conditioner at least once a year. This checkup should include a thorough inspection of the fan motor, thermostat, air filter, bearings, and inner coil. It's best to have your unit serviced in early to mid-spring, but for optimal performance, you should also have it checked in the fall.

Living in Florida means dealing with more dirt, dust, and debris in the air. This can cause your air conditioner to run longer and reduce its lifespan, leading to higher energy bills. To prevent this from happening, it's important to clean the condenser coils located in the outdoor unit regularly. With a maintenance plan, you'll know who to call for service and have fewer unexpected repairs.

Even if you book an annual air conditioning service, there are still things you can do throughout the year to keep your system running at its best. Regular inspections are the best way to prevent small problems from becoming costly. If you need to replace your air conditioner, make sure you hire a qualified HVAC company to do the job. When you book an inspection, your technician will check that the system starts, works, and shuts down properly.

The latest Variable Speed Carrier systems are much more efficient than they were a decade ago, so replacing your system can save you money in the long run. Scheduling maintenance twice a year will also reduce the chances of an unexpected fault occurring. A more thorough air conditioner review will cost more than a less thorough one, but it's worth it for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your system is working properly and safely. In fact, Carrier offers some of the most efficient air conditioning systems (up to 26 SEER in its Infinity system series) in the residential market today.

To ensure that your air conditioner is running optimally and safely all year round, it's important to have it serviced regularly by a qualified HVAC technician. A routine maintenance checkup should include an inspection of all components of your system, including the fan motor, thermostat, air filter, bearings, and inner coil. Cleaning the condenser coils located in the outdoor unit regularly is also essential for preventing dirt and debris from building up and causing your system to run longer than necessary. In addition to scheduling regular maintenance checkups for your air conditioner, there are other steps you can take throughout the year to keep your system running at its best.

Inspecting your system regularly is key for preventing small problems from becoming costly repairs or replacements down the line. If you do need to replace your air conditioner, make sure you hire a qualified HVAC company to do the job. When you book an inspection with a technician, they will check that your system starts up correctly and runs efficiently before shutting down properly. The latest Variable Speed Carrier systems are much more efficient than they were a decade ago and can save you money on energy bills in the long run.

A comprehensive air conditioner review will cost more than a basic one but is worth it for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your system is working properly and safely. Carrier offers some of the most efficient air conditioning systems (up to 26 SEER in its Infinity system series) on the residential market today. By following these tips and scheduling regular maintenance checkups for your air conditioner, you can ensure that your system is running optimally and safely all year round.