How Often Should You Have Your AC Unit Inspected for Repairs?

At One Source, we strongly suggest that you service your air conditioning system at least once a year to identify and address any issues before they become too severe. It's best to schedule inspections six months apart, ideally in the fall and spring. Late summer is an ideal time to inspect your furnace, as HVAC technicians are usually busiest in the fall. When it comes to air conditioners, it's best to have them checked when it's hot outside.

No matter what type of heating and air conditioning equipment you have, it should be inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least once a year. It's best to check the heating system in the fall and the air conditioning in the spring. Oil-fueled equipment should be cleaned and serviced annually at the start of each heating season. As a homeowner, it's important to keep track of when you need to service or inspect your various systems.

One of these systems is your air conditioning unit. How often should you have it repaired? Depending on where you live, it's recommended to do so once or twice a year. To make sure that your air conditioning unit is functioning properly during the summer months, it's best to have it inspected before the end of summer.